How To Make Sure People Show Up to Your Party

Throwing a party can be a fun, but highly stressful activity. Consider all the work and planning that goes into it, the fuss about choosing a venue and then crafting the menu, determining how much of everything you need for guests you’re expecting to show up, and just hoping and praying everyone has a good time when they get there. There are many things to worry about, for instance if it’s an outdoor party, you hope it doesn’t rain. If you’ve hired entertainment, you hope they show up on time and do what they were paid to do. The biggest worry however, no matter what, is who will show up. At the end of the day, what makes a party are the people in it so more than anything, you should make sure that they will be there.


Believe it or not, people drop the ball on this all the time when the solution is simple. Nothing is more embarrassing than setting up a party no one shows up to. Follow these five simple steps to ensure your party is packed and prepped for partying.


Step 1: Send out invitations early, ask to RSVP… use social media and phone numbers and emails, use everything you have at your disposal to get those invitations out…


Step 2. Send out reminders mid way, ask for remaining RSVPs…


Step 3. Send out reminders 3 days before party, reach out to people who you expect to be there, but haven’t RSVP’d.


Step 4. Send out a thank you the day before, thanking everyone taking out the time to show up explaining how excited you/your kid is and how fun it will be…


Step 5. Send out a message on the day of saying PARTY DAY. Including all information, WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE!

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